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This site has not been updated since December 31, 2011.

For additional information, please visit: www.henrymarkholzer.blogspot.com.] 



I received my B.A. degree from New York University, where I studied Russian and political science.

After graduation in 1954, I served in Korea with United States Army intelligence, holding top-secret security clearance, and was Chief Order of Battle Analyst (Chinese Communist Forces) at Eighth Army Headquarters in Seoul.

Following my military service, I earned my Juris Doctor degree at New York University School of Law. Since December 7, 1959, I have practiced constitutional and appellate law.  (My clients have included owners of pre-legalized gold, veterans seeking medical benefits, Soviet dissidents and defectors, and the author Ayn Rand.)

In addition to my law practice, for over two decades (1972-1993) I was a full-time tenured professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, where I am now professor emeritus. My courses included Constitutional Law, First Amendment, National Security, and Appellate Advocacy.

I am the author of approximately three hundred articles, essays, and reviews, and  frequently publish commentary on current legal/political issues and events in the print and electronic media. I am often asked to provided that commentary on, and be interviewed by, broadcast media.

Several of my six out-of-print books—The Gold Clause; Government's Money Monopoly; Sweet Land of Liberty? The Supreme Court and Individual Rights; The Layman's Guide to Tax Evasion; Speaking Freely: The Case Against Speech Codes; and Why Not Call It Treason? Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Today—are available from various Internet booksellers, including www.amazon.com. 

With my wife, lawyer and novelist Erika Holzer, I am co-author of "Aid and Comfort": Jane Fonda in North Vietnam, a book that definitively answers the question of whether Fonda’s trip to Hanoi during the Vietnam War, and her activities there, constituted constitutional treason. With Erika Holzer, I also co-authored Fake Warriors: Identifying, Exposing, and Punishing Those Who Falsify Their Military Service.  Each of these books are available at www.amazon.com.

My most recent book, The Supreme Court Opinions of Justice Clarence Thomas (1991--2006): A Conservative's Perspective, was published in January 2007 by McFarland & Company.  McFarland is a noted publisher of scholarly, reference, and academic books.  For further information, see http://www.mcfarlandpub.com/book-2.php?isbn=0-7864-3003-6.

[Contents of this website copyright (c) 2012 by Henry Mark Holzer.  All rights reserved]

